Re: Антидепрессанты. Фармакологические характеристики, возде
Effexor Addiction
by caseydc78, Mar 31, 2007 12:00AM
Tags: Addiction, Depression, brain, withdrawal
I would like to say that Effexor
Effexor xr
is indeed addictive, despite what the manufacturers will tell you. I have tried getting off of it several times, only to experience the same nightmarish hell. I can't imagine a heroin
Drug abuse
addicts withdrawals being much worse. There should really be a detoxification process for effexor
Effexor xr
like there is methadone
Methadone (bulk)
Methadone intensol
for heroin
Drug abuse
addicts. I have tried "tapering off" at extremely slow rates, but that doesn't help. I still get the same brain shocks
Cardiogenic shock
Electroconvulsive therapy
Hepatic ischemia
Hypovolemic shock
Toxic shock syndrome
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
, extreme irritability, flu like symptoms, nightmares, high levels of anxiety, ad nausea. My best advice to anyone is to do your research extremely carefully before starting this drug. Don't trust what your doctor says. They have no idea, because what they read in books doesn't tell them about what withdrawals are really like. The only way to know is to experience it, and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. As for me, I guess am forever in the grips of this horrible drug, not because it helps me, but because when I try to stop, it haunts me.