These have been around for awhile and I was curious what those of a higher chem intelect thought about them. The ones referring to gun blue seem like total crap but what I found interesting was that the manufacturer of a particular brand has recently stopped production of one of their top products that had basically pushed the company to the top of their class. It's basically corporate suicide in doing so. It would be the equivalent of Chevrolet to stop making pickup trucks. Anyway, I don't know squat about the chemistry in any of these compilations but I am curious what you guys think about them.
A surprisingly simple synthesis is possible from the amino acid phenylalanine, which is available at health food stores for about $14 for 100 tablets. Phenylalanine is 2-amino-3-phenylpropanoic acid, which is more or less amphetamine with a COOH where the CH3 should be at the end of the chain. Thionyl chloride will replace the OH with a Cl, which falls off and is replaced by H when you give it lithium aluminum hydride, sodium borohydride, or hydrogen gas and nickel/platinum. If you use hydrogen and metal for that step, you'll have to reduce the carbonyl group with one of the hydrides, so best save time + effort and use them and do both reductions at once. When that carbonyl is reduced, you now have amphetamine. Go back up to that first one I mentioned for upgrading amphetamine into methamphetamine."
This is one that SWIM has a step by step video of from the Washington State PD. It doesn't have any audio but is basically what you read here. It's about 7 minutes long and shows all processes and also shows a potency test at the end. If I recall correctly, its called "One pot" methamphetimine. Has anyone seen it? One thing that SWIM didn't understand is that the text doesn't indicate any type of PE wash at all. Wouldn't you just get shit without de-gakking first?
Note: This is a very easy 12-Step program. )
This recipe makes REAL Crystal Methamphetamine, unlike most recipes
out there that only make crank. This is not hypo either, it's kick ass
ammonia dope. My way was developed to be quick and to not give off as
much smell as other methods. It doesn't require going out and stealing
anhydrous ammonia from farms either. I still only recommend doing it
if you have had previous experience making dope. Clean up is easy too.
All you have to do is wash out the bottles you used and throw
everything away.
1 2 Liter Bottle (with cap)
1 1 Liter Bottle (get 2 caps for it)
1 20 oz. Bottle (with cap)
1 Quart Jar
2 ft. 1/4in. diameter rubber/plastic hose (aquarium hose works good)
Coffee Filters
1 Funnel
1 Tubing Cutter (go to Home Depot)
2 Plyers
1 Roll of Ductape or Electrical Tape 1 Blender or Food Processor
200 60mg Pseudophedrine HCL pills (Actifed, Sudafed, Suphedrine, etc.)
1 1/2 cups Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer (33-0-0)
3 cans starting fluid
3 AA Energizer Lithuim Batteries
1 bottle Red Devil brand Lye
2 caps of water (use the top off the 2 liter)
1 box Iodized Salt
1 bottle Liquid Fire brand drain opener
1) Rinse and dry out all of your bottles. Be sure to get ALL of the
moisture out. Don't go any further until they are completely dry.
2) Put your pills into the blender or food processor and grind them
into powder. Mix them in with the 1 1/2 cups of Ammoniun Nitrate
fertilizer. Use the funnel to pour the mixture into the 2 liter
3) Hold your cans of starting fluid upside-down and hold the button
until all of the air is out. Once the air is out, use a screwdriver (I
use a bottle opener.) to poke a hole in the bottom of the cans. Using
the funnel again, pour the liquid (ethyl ether) out of the cans into
the 2 Liter with the Ammonium Nitrate/pills mixture.
4) Now you have to take the Lithium strips out of the batteries (This
is why I recommend being experienced.). Tighten the tubing cutter onto
the center of the battery and spin it around until the metal casing is
cut. Be careful not to cut into the guts of the battery. If you mess
up the battery may become extremely hot and catch fire. Next take your
2 plyers and grab each end of the battery. Pull each side of the
casing off. Once the insides are out of the casing, place them in an
air tight container (Tupperware, Rubbermaid, etc.). They can be stored
for up to 3 hours. The lithium will become very volatile if exposed to
moisture in the air or water. Be careful!
5) Unroll the guts of the first battery and remove the Lithium strip.
There are two strips in a Lithium battery, so be sure not to get the
wrong one. You do not want the one that has shiny metal around the
edges. Tear the Lithium strip into tiny pieces and place them in the 2
Liter. Do the same with the other two batteries.
6) Take the cap off your bottle of Lye and fill its cap with it. Pour
this into the 2 Liter as well. Use the funnel!
7) Take the top of the 2 Liter and fill it with water. Pour the water
into the 2 Liter. Repeat once. You should see little bubble floating
to the top of the liquid in the bottle. Place the cap on the bottle
and swish it around a little (do not shake!).
8) Now your dope is cooking (I call it "rolling"). About every 5
minutes loosen the cap a little to release the pressure and to make it
"roll" a little harder. After about 10 seconds re-tighten the cap.
Don't breathe too deeply, because gaseous ammonia is released.
9) You have to keep adding Lye or your dope will stop "rolling". About
every 20 minutes add about 1 cap (use the cap off the lye bottle!) of
Lye. Tighten the top tight on the 2 Liter and shake the bottle
vigorously for about 8 seconds. Loosen the top, releasing the
pressure, and the dope will start "rolling" perfectly. Repeat every 20
minutes. You do not want to use more than 2/3 bottle of Lye, so you
may have to adjust the amount you add or how often you add it to make
it go for 2 hours.
10) After 2 hours, your dope is through "rolling". Get the funnel and
place it in the 1 Liter bottle. Put two coffee filters in the funnel
and pour the liquid from the 2 Liter through them into the 1 liter
bottle. Pour a little at a time to make sure you don't let any get
outside the filters. Once the 1 liter is filled, tighten the top on it
all the way. It'll ruin your dope if you let dirt or moisture get into
11) Take the 2nd top to the 1 liter and the top to the 20 oz. and cut
holes in them barely big enough to fit the plastic/rubber hose into.
Put each end of the hose into each top and make them air tight using
ductape or electrical tape. Make sure you use a clean hose!
12) Remove the cap from the 1 liter bottle and screw on the one with
the hose attached to it. Pour iodized salt into your 20 oz. until it
is filled about 1/2 inch from the bottom. Take the cap from your 2
liter or another cap the same size and fill it with Liquid Fire. Pour
the Liquid Fire onto the salt and tightly screw the top attached to
the other end of the hose onto the 20 oz. Shake the 20 oz.
left-to-right for about 4 seconds. Pump (squeeze and release) it once
and sit it down. Smoke will begin the fill the 1 liter. As the smoke
begins to go into the liquid, you will see the dope "fall". It looks
snow. When the smoke stops, take the top off the 1 liter and tie a
knot in the hose. Put the other top back on the 1 liter and shake it
vigorously for 30 seconds. Let the crystal settle. Put the funnel over
the jar with 2 new coffee filters it it and pour the liquid through
them. A little bit of meth gets caught in the filters, but the rest
stays in the bottle. Cut the top half of the bottle off and use a hair
dryer to dry the crystal. Snort it or smoke it and get high as a bat.
Ok, what gives with this? The authors, and I use that term loosely, seem adamant about their outcome.
"heres the fish tank recipe 2 pounds activated charcoal you get this at the local pet-co store 1/2 gallon clear amonia 1quart gun bluing use kite strings put a lid on it let it set for 30 days you will get a quarter pound of dope fuck what those other people say this is the actual recipe try it you won't be disappointed"
and another.....
get a quart pickle jar, clean it very well (acetone) then rinse with water and dry it out. put the cap on tight and spray paint it black (a few coats) when dry remove lid, punch small holes in it for the floss (non sented, non waxed, not plastic) string it through holes and tie them on( i had 8 strings hanging ) then use some good adhesive and glue the holes (to make sure they stay) when dry put packaging tape over the lid (gotta be air tight) cut out a circle piece of aluminum foil to fit on the inside of tha jar laying flat and not curving up with the walls of the jar (shinny side up), then add 4.5 oz of activated carbon (fish tank charcol) then 4.5 oz of household clear ammonia (carbon wil start bubbling) then add gun bluing (3 oz) close lid tight and let sit for a month. if you wanted to quicken the process dont put the aluminum in the bottom, get some aluminum siding (for houses, unpainted) just a strip about 11 in long and 1 in wide (it is placed in the jar up one side and bend accross bottom. at the top put two small holes in it and connect two 9 volt batteries to aluminum with wire. this will only take 5 days to get 1 oz. im not getting into the cooler method, its too valuble. produces 14 lbs of excellent selenium crystals. i cant let it go sorry. but i hope this will helpl you guys a lil bit. plus its decent shit
This fella gets serious.....
It never seems to amaze me that some people think all drug users are bad or sorry people, Im a drug user really don't care about anyones opinion about it. I guess your entitled to it. I judge nobody not for what they do or what they have done. you've only got one life, live it to the fullest baby!!! I've read a few posts and it seems everyone wants to know the famous fish tank method, well ive got the 55 gallon recipe. put one inch of charcoal in the bottom of the tank, cut aluminum shreds they must be cut, fill them up the same about one inch in the bottom, then you need 100% ammonia concentrate, not the 75%, thats the big difference, you need 14 ounces gun bluin, pour it in on top of the alluminum scatter it out, then get 13 ounces red devil eye, pour it in, then you put your ammonia in on top of your fish tank, then put your plywood on top and it must be sealed off, and have all of your guitar strings stapled to it hang them one inch above the top of the alluminum, you should have at least 200 guitar strings in the aquarium, but they cant touch one another, them get you a pressure valve, put in the piece of plywood, run a 3-8 air hose from the valve to a 5 gallon bucket of pine sol, so that when the valve goes off the smell of the chemicals won't be so bad, the pine sol takes care of most of this, and your most important part, keep it at 75 degrees thats why you pain't the tank black with spray paint. wait 27 days dont touch it dont even look at it, but if youll leave it in there for 31 days it the fire.
Well hopefully the chemist here will jump in and clarify these. I know I'm curious to see if there is anything of substance to these. Thanks in advance.
OOhh, wait, I can't help but throw this one in.
Things that make ya go MOOOOO........
the easiest way to get your Ephedrine is get the purple 30lb salt block for cattle, break it up in a 5gal plastic bucket, pour denatored alchol or methenol over it then quick freeze the outside of bucket with freon. when contents of bucket freeze , break the bucket apart, you'll have 3 layers the bottom layer is pure ephedrine. saw it off the rest of the block and you will have between 1.5 and 2 lbs of pure ephedrine