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16 Янв 2014
ВОообще не сидится на месте.... Я ебал в рот, хоть иди и огород копай мать его, че за х.... ТТолько в клуб


Эйч Винтура
3 Фев 2014
Какой огород зима на дворе :hi_hi_hi:


Эйч Винтура
3 Фев 2014
ладно весна но оочень ранняя :pohui:

Кто нибудь знает почему нельзя свое старое сообщение отредактировать?


16 Янв 2014

Сообщение не воробей - вылетит не поймаешь :D

Кто нить мешал амф с лсд? Стоит?


Пионерский отжиг...

green(z), 05/03/2014 12:58
"федя" всему виной.крыша уезжает постепенно.бешенный и нервный стал.паранойа постоянная.пиздец,короче...

green(z), 05/03/2014 13:41
сижу вот на паре и дрожь по всему телу.вроде не ломает,но из головы мысль не уходит.

green(z), 05/03/2014 14:42
фен(амфетамин) - аналог эфидрина

green(z), 06/03/2014 10:29
затвор,завтра сто пудов вмажусь)уже чувствую.

green(z), 06/03/2014 10:51
все суставы ломит.


люся с амф - пойдёт. она не скоростная. а если говно хорошее, то эйфорийки добавит.
ну а так как бы ниочём. лучше мдма найди под лсд. не проеби шанс. настоящий кэнди сделай
у нас потому что лсд это почти легенда. чего не скажешь обо всём остальном :D

как-то челы нбом клеили, а я на работу собирался...так пятку покуривал...и на мете вис уже 3ий день... и осталось его немного. я кенту одному этому отдал. кароче уже на работе как часа 2, тут звонок от второго чубрика. он в панике, тип говорит поехал, по земле катается. убегает в тёмный лес. кароче пиздец.
нбом, вот стимулянт, психоделик, эйфоретик. + мет. и загличило бедолагу.

Кот Морфей

Активный Юзер
27 Фев 2014
Booolik написал(а):
ВОообще не сидится на месте.... Я ебал в рот, хоть иди и огород копай мать его, че за х.... ТТолько в клуб
Знаю эту тему, это бакла движуху такую дает. Иди на улицу найди уши и еби мозг.


6 Фев 2014
AMiG0 написал(а):
ладно весна но оочень ранняя :pohui:

Кто нибудь знает почему нельзя свое старое сообщение отредактировать?

потому что функция редактирования работает то ли 10 минут то ли 15 после отправки сообщения .на пляже тоже отключили в последнее время. после того как один полупросветленный юзер, (несо?)стоявшийся грибник, )), стер своих штук так 200 постов, а так как там были и темы им начатые, то и они тоже потеряли смысл.

Почему здесь функция редактирования не работает перманентно, нужно спрашивать кто здесь долго или у админа. Наверное тоже история научила )

Кот Морфей

Активный Юзер
27 Фев 2014
я вот не могу строчку предпочтения убрать под аватором...нихрена там непонятно че куда.....типа обязалово выбора


6 Фев 2014
Booolik написал(а):
Кто нить мешал амф с лсд? Стоит?
имхо, изврат
сомнения что у тебя действительно лсд
по поводу изврата, из гугла поиска утащено:
Trip report: LSD (600mcg) + Amphetamine (20mg) (self.Drugs)

10 maanden geleden geplaatst* door [deleted]

Let me preface this by saying that me and my friends made a hasty decision regarding this trip. There was little prior planning, and although the trip turned out to be great, it had its moments where I felt I was nearly on the brink of insanity. More than once during the trip I felt like a terrified child, so unsure about anything, shaking and trembling like I had just witnessed a murder. The tabs were acquired from a very legitimate source so I was 100% sure they were both LSD and 150mcg each.

Anyway, Me (19y/o, Male), my friend M (19y/o, Female), her 2 friends L (20y/o, Female)and R (17y/o, Female), and both M's and my mutually good friend K(19y/o, Female) was there. We were all relatively new to the "harder" drug scene at the time and my only previous experiences were with 3.3 grams of dried shrooms, 2 tabs of this same batch of LSD and one incredibly dissappointing experience with 4-MEC (good god you have to snort a lot of horrible crystals), along with toking nearly daily. Everyone else had about the same experience with psychedelics as I had except for R, she had only ever smoked weed, but was going to drop 2 tabs (300mcg).

The night began like most other nights begin within our circle of friends; meet up at K's house (her mom is very chill with the herb) smoke a few bowls and watch some TV on mute while blasting progressive house (Porter Robinson and Arty are the favorites). This weekend was different though. Me and M had just gotten these tabs yesterday and no one knew about them besides us. We were planning to ask everyone that night if they wanted to take a suprise acid trip. After a while of sitting at K's house, me and M making wordless gestures to each other, the signal that we should bring it up to the rest of the group. We do this and everyone is ecstatic about the idea except for K because she had work later the next day and she didn't want to be exhausted she also didn't want to trip in her house for whatever reason (too much familiarity? I don't know). She agreed after suprisingly little coercion to take 1 tab (this would later prove to be unwise, we could've used a sitter)

We eventually settled on a motel close-by. We rented a room, unpacked all of our amenities for the night and began discussing what we were to do once the acid hit. Me and M decided to consume 20mg of d-amp (very good idea in hindsight......for me at least). 15 minutes after getting to the room we dropped our doses. Me, 4 tabs. M, 4 tabs. L, 4 tabs. R, 2 tabs. K, 1 tab.

The come-up was swift and violent compared to my previous experiences, shattering any notion of what we were to do once we were tripping. I was continually remarking "oh god, gonna throw up". Each of us was experiencing this nausea except K, who had only taken 1 tab, she also had eaten before. The intense nausea subsided after 20 minutes and after that I was in a whole new realm. Everyone in the room was radiating energy that seemed to correspond with their mood. I had the feeling that there was an earthquake occuring for some reason. My vision was vibrating at what seemed like a million mph, and our hotel room cascaded downwards in my field of vision like a deck of cards being spread on a table.

It was at this point that I was thoroughly overwhelmed by the trip.
The body high was absolutely orgasmic at this point. There was a song by Slightly Stoopid playing in the background on our shitty ihome that we had bought, I don't recall what song it was but whenever I closed my eyes it reminded me so much of elevator music and I was instantly transported to a corporate office building behind my closed eyes. This was the most intense and real CEV/hallucination i'd ever had. When I opened my eyes it was like I was watching cells form and reproduce on the ceiling, they would disperse and reappear, all in the most vibrant, fluorescent colors. I was staring at this incredible biological phenomenon for 1 hour and it never ceased to amaze me. This fantastic display of life quickly morphed into more traditional LSD visuals, there were raindrops on the ceiling, seemingly inverting gravity. The door was melting and it looked so real I couldn't believe it (I've had the same type of visual on 25i but it wasn't nearly as engrossing) and light seemed to be a tangible object, I could see exactly where the rays of light would end and start like they were a solid entity

After sometime I sat up and began looking around the room, there were what I can only describe as Aztec or Mayan symbols protruding from the walls and rotating, enveloped in a smooth pastel color and matte texture, much different from the visuals from earlier. Everything seemed to have a holographic quality to it, like there were more dimensions to everything that I had never noticed. It felt very futuristic. I was also standing in the corner of the room entranced by the design of the carpet. the little nodules of fabric that protruded upwards from the ground ever so slightly began to spin and grow taller. As I inspected further I could see that as they were spinning they were creating an intricate mandala pattern that grew and eventually the whole ENTIRE floor was a bright gold color, moving and shifting in ways indescribable, I was absolutely astounded. I remember thinking "Now THOSE are some visuals"

The thought loops were very intense and our group always kept getting back to the same point multiple times: nothing matters.

The group dynamic was what caused a substantial "weirdness" during the trip. Only 2 of the 4 people with me there were my actual good friends ( M and K), but I certainly did not mind either L or R. the varying dosages most likely contributed to this as well.

One thing I would like to note is how atrociously bad my memory was. I was starting to freak out a bit because I had no idea where I had put my weed or my Klonopin (in case of bad trip), but they were just in my backpack where I had previously left them, but my memory was absolutely shot, it caught me off guard.

After admiring the visuals that our gaudy hotel room had to offer (It clashed in most aspects giving way to a more psychedelic headspace, which I liked. It felt like we were straight out of the 70's.) we decided after nearly 30 minutes of deliberation to go outside. There was a lot of "I think i'm gonna stay here actually", "well, then i'm not going if K stays here". "Fine, lets just stay in here then, its cold anyway", "ahhhhh, but I really want to see outside! Lets go!". There were a lot more confusing and unnecessarily awkward confrontations about whether or not we should go outside, but we eventually did and got into my friends SUV. Now, keep in mind it is around 2 in the morning at this point and the Amphetamine and LSD are both going strong. We decided to pack of bowl of herb in the parking lots and smoke a few before we went back in. The weed DEFINITELY intensified the visuals and headspace. The city lights of the downtown district we were in combined with the permeating aura of the smoke created a mini light show in my friends car. Everything had an electric, fleeting outline and the lights on the dash made me feel as if I was in the control room of apollo 13.

It was here, in M's car, along with R (K and L were in the room) that the most emotional waves of euphoria, dysphoria and everything in between began hitting me out of nowhere. Us 3 in that car shared the most intimate moment (not sexual) of emotional connection that I burst into tears, completely overwhelmed with the greatest emotional push I had ever felt. This was the first time I had cried in years, it felt unbelievably cathartic.

By the time we exited the car and made our way back to the room I looked like hell. Nose running like goddamn Niagara falls, eyes still swelled with emotional tension, completely flushed and my shirt was off and I distinctly remember having one when we went to the car. The lady at the front desk made a joke about it and I feigned laughter, it felt very awkward.

Once everyone was back in the hotel room things began to go south. Both M and L who were very good childhood friends had the most awkward interactions I had ever seen. I could tell they were fed up to the brim with each other, but neither would admit it because they both like to avoid conflict. I suspect it was the Adderall that was making M so abraisive. She was very demanding throughout the entire trip when I just wanted to lay there and think. The combo of amphetamine + LSD is good for some, not so good for others. I honestly felt like she was deranged and schizophrenic. She was running around the room doing completely irrelevant and stupid things, the combo is definitely not for her.

We dropped our doses at around 9pm and by this point it was 10am and we were still tripping very hard. The visuals had mostly subsided, but the LSD headspace persisted for the rest of the day. We had to check out at 11, and when that time came, everyone went their separate ways: Me and M went for a cruise to smoke some weed, K went home because she had work, and R and L went back to R's house to chill.

While me and M were driving along some backwoods roads toking it up, the weed kicked the visuals into overdrive, but they were more muddled melding visuals than crisp acid visuals. Still, interesting phenomenon. The road tar was electric blue and the normally yellow road lines were patterned yellow/orange stripes.

Both me and M were very suprised that we were still tripping so hard 18 hours after ingestion, but I definitely did not mind the headspace at all and was eventually able to talk normally without too much trouble.

After smoking many many bowls, driving around listening to my boys tritonal, we decided that we should probably get home as it was getting late (7pm). By this point we were still feeling the LSD, but its was more of an afterglow.

When I got home I immediately slept. It was very easy because of the copious amounts of marijuana smoked.

Thanks for reading! Share your experiences, i'd love to read em!



Кот Морфей

Активный Юзер
27 Фев 2014
-М- написал(а):
сомнения что у тебя действительно лсд
Да кислота скорее неизвестной...
Я кислоту мешал с феном и баклой. б-к-ф. как бульдозером раскатало.

Мара всё получилось....А сообщения в лс со скольки?


6 Фев 2014
с 50
я тебе там тоже самое написала что и здесь только чуть больше букв ))
думала что отвечать можно если тебе пишут, теперь понятно что нет )

Кот Морфей

Активный Юзер
27 Фев 2014
Боооооооолик :D

Ма спасибо....
Последнее редактирование модератором:


6 Фев 2014
Народ где вы берете лсд.
Это не вопрос ни в коем случае, мысли вслух.
Мне в своё время что бы найти пришлось ну очень сильно напрячься.
Не всякая марка - это лсд. Более того, большинство марок - это не лсд.
Что б я тут не билась головой о монитор от белой зависти, называйте вещи своими именами, да? s:-)


16 Янв 2014
Ебать вот меня ебашит, а как клипак включил кота морфея, так занесло хуй пойми куда, замиксовал седня 4 бакла, 4 ката, половинку марочки, потом как вставлять начало кислотно, дорожку амфа, раскатало))) в кафе сидели на каждую юбку мурашки по телу шли, музыка так и вливалась, эйфории жопой жри, ржал, заходил в туалет не понимал где я, вышли с кафе я вообще в шоке был что мы в городе)))) пиваса пили, ходил по городу засмотрелся на всю красоту, подумал почеу мы не замечаем это в нормальном состоянии, ну хуй с ним... Со всем, меня распирает... Сейчас настроение вообще я в ахуе.... дал организму расслабится) :up: :up: :up:

Хочется еще и еще, сейчас опять вкидываю 4 бакла, и 5 катов, потом х.з марочка осталась, вкину нет, состояние покажет) ГУЛЯЮ :ya_hoo_oo: :ya_hoo_oo: :ya_hoo_oo:


булик а марка какая на вкус была?

Там, за холмом, течёт река,
За рекой - лес,
За лесом пора
Смотреть на знаки.

Особняком - каменный дом,
Кирпичный въезд,
Меня там ждут со вчера


16 Янв 2014

немножко горечью отдовало, но норм, я слюни глотал пох было , еще и картон проглатил))) губа онемела, я ее под губу кинул.


AMiG0 написал(а):
moon_e написал(а):
слышал, что хостинг сперва снимает бабки и вроде всё нормально, а потом долго проверяет твои данные и может залупить, как уже выходило. еще слышал, что как раз ждут ответа от новых хостеров, которые тоже взяли бабки, но не включают

Это какой то пиздец товарищи, бабки взяли и не включают а другие долго проверяют. Хуйня не здоровая..
Бабки они возвращают, но с виртуальными денежными картами дел иметь мало кто хочет. Прошлый хостинг плевал на это и снимал с виртуальной. Никто не хочет на себя форум зарегить?)
Сверху Снизу